The National Trust of Slovakia
The National Trust of Slovakia (NTS) – a non-governmental organisation established in 1996 with its mission the protection and sensible use of cultural and natural heritage of Slovakia. The NTS is a founding and active member of the international network of heritage conservation NGOs called the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) which is headquartered in London.
More information available on and
In 2006, the NTS established a working group called the Friends of Historic Parks and Gardens, of which the members are not only professionals in the field of garden and landscape creation but also many enthusiasts who are interested in the topic of historical parks and gardens in Slovakia.
The main aim of this working group is to raise awareness of the role and importance of historical green spaces like parks and gardens, avenues, valuable trees, old orchards, historical cemeteries etc. The members of this group are also preparing and organising many specific activities and projects which seek to protect and interpret the values of historical parks and gardens in Slovakia. All members of this group work like volunteers.
Working together with a number of partners, the NTS with its Friends of historic parks and gardens group have for the last eleven years organised the successful cultural-educational event “The Open Parks and Gardens” in which last edition in 2019 more than 100 parks and gardens from around the whole Slovakia took part
The National Trust of Slovakia is co-operating with the international initiative of Council of Europe – HEREIN on gardens mainly within the project of Ministry of Culture of France called Rendez-Vous aux Jardins ( ) but also as a country correspondent on garden policy in Slovakia.
At the moment with the financial support of Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic NTS is working on on-line database of historical parks and gardens of Slovakia promoted via this website The main aim of this initiative is not only to collect information on parks and gardens in Slovakia or raise the awareness and supporting attractive interpretation of historical parks and gardens but also by providing practical information about parks and garden in Slovakia. NTS would like to encourage inhabitants and visitors of our country to spend their free time outside and visit our green heritage.
Our organisation NTS is also providing practical help to the owners and administrators of many historical parks and gardens in Slovakia. For example in 2008 we have helped the local authority of Lednické Rovne which is the owner of historical Aspremont-Linden English-landscape park in Lednické Rovne to inscribe the given park on the list of 100 The Most Endangered World Monuments Sites. Due to this fact we were able to raise also the necessary financial support for the park - for the renovation of Minerva Temple from the UK Headly Trust. We are also helping many owners of historical parks and gardens by organising the voluntary brigades in order to improve the physical state of their properties. We have organised these activities on regular bases in the following parks and gardens: Koch´s garden, Pruger-Wallner garden in Bratislava and Veľký Biel Mannor House Garden. We are also involved in the interpretation and work with the public in Arboretum in Liptovský Hrádok where we have created an interpretation trail and where we are working with the local community etc..
Contact information:
Národný Trust n.o.
Hlboká cetsa 966/9
811 04 Bratislava-Staré mesto
IČO: 42 000 408
Director: Mgr.Michaela Kubíková
č.t.: +421 097 296 724